Monday, July 7, 2008


Prior to my trip, I was extremely excited about studying in Oxford. I counted down the days to a pleasant life of high table dinners, champagne on the lawn, meeting the locals, and weekend adventures to neighboring countries. Unfortunately, I was in for a rude awakening...

I have never been so stressed in my life!

I completely underestimated the amount of hardwork and stress that is involved in this program. Each day, I am filled with anxiety and overwhelmed with the reading and writing that is assigned. But, don't get me wrong, I was aware that I would still have to reserve time for my studies amidst the amusement and recreation. Students who had participated in the Oxford program in the past informed me of the heavy workload but, at that time, my mind was set on the idea of being abroad and the opportunity to travel. I never imagined that I would be under an increasing amount of stress.

I haven't been a complete hermit in my room with my nose in the books, deprived of even an ounce of enjoyment. I had a great time this past weekend, walking the streets of Oxford and hanging-out at local pubs but, I, like all of us, could surely do without the added pressure of our academics. Hopefully, as time passes, I'll be more comfortable with the academic work and will be able to fully enjoy this experience. But for me, that adjustment has yet to come.

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Darr said...

I believe many of us share Myredith's sentiments. Feeling overwhelmed and nervous have come up in discussion several times in the past week.

One scary part is that these Oxford tutors do not sugar coat or mince words when they have an opinion. My tutor seemed baffled at some students' lack of knowledge on particular literature topics while others I heard openly critisize the strength of argument. As scary as it may be, though, when I get back to Georgia I will be ready for anything and sporting a thicker skin.