Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What a Tangled Web We Study!

In addition to the Grady Seminar class, I am taking a Law class here at Oxford. I chose that class simply for a new experience. As I was studying yesterday I came across a case with particularly interesting media consequences. It was the case of Knuller Publishing, Printing, and Promotions versus the Director of Public Prosecutions. Here's what went down. One of Knuller's magazines catered to the homosexual community, and the magazine was allowing individuals to place ads soliciting sex from other readers. It was basically like the single's section of any major newspaper, exept for the fact that it was explicitly for the purpose of sex. The magazine was accused of "conspiracy to corrupt public morals" which is a punishable offense in the UK. Obviously this means that the UK government believes in concepts such as cultivation and mainstreaming. How do you think this law affects media outlets in the UK?

P.S. The photo above has nothing to do with this blog, but I mentioned the train stop from Hairy Potter in class the other day, and I thought I would include the picture in my blog.

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