Sunday, July 13, 2008


The day trip to Stonehenge was something I felt necessary to do while in England. It is only two hours away and the city of Salisbury is gorgeous. You really have to be knowledgeable with the British rail system because three different trains there and and three back are required to make it to this little town. Stonehenge itself is about 10 miles out of the city from where the train drops you off at. It is 100% worth paying for the tour bus to take you through the amazing rolling hills of the countryside to the monument. The weather in england is so difficult so of course it rained for some of the trip but only for a few minutes. After walking around the monument, listening to the free audio commentary, and taking multiple pictures from different angles we headed back into the little town of Salisbury. We did not know it until we got to the cathedral but inside the church was one of four remaining copies of the Magna Carta. I do not think I had ever been in the presence of anything that old and valuable so it was a great end to the day!

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