Friday, July 11, 2008

Europe v. USA

Before coming to Oxford, I had never experienced what everyone else seems to have experienced already. Europe. My parents told me that my view of the world would be different as soon as I came over here. And it definitely has.  All of the differences between the States and Europe are eye-opening.  Some differences are good, some are bad.  Here's what I have found so far:

1.) Public transportation: I love all of the walking that goes on here.  Now don't get me wrong, I do miss my car back in the States.  I love seeing all of the different people on the streets, the hustle and bustle.  So much more personal interaction.  You just don't find that in the States, unless of course you live in New York City.  No other city that I know of has public transportation like Europe.  Not only good for the environment, but good for the soul. 

2.) Food:  I have found that everything is (or at least appears to be) fresher.  I love it.  It tastes better and is better for you.  I love not seeing the multitude of fast-food restaurants on every street corner.  I have not even been tempted to go McDonald's or Burger King.  Maybe it's somewhat relatable to Athens, with all of the fabulous local restaurants, but I am not missing any fast food.  Except maybe Qdoba.  But that's about it.

3.) Weather:  Not don't get me wrong, I love that it's not 100 degrees and steamy hot.  But I wish it were hotter and not as rainy.  That has been my really only complaint here.  It feels like fall back in Indiana (where I'm from), and that's one of the reasons I went to Georgia: warm weather.  So while I love the sunny days here, I definitely don't like the cold. 

4.) Shopping:  I have yet to find a store that I am completely in love with here.  I want all the chains there are in the states.  I miss them terribly.  I feel as though every store I walk into would be clothes my mother would wear.  And I was hoping to come back with all of these cool European clothes.  With the exception of Primark, looks like I won't be coming back with many clothes, especially with how the American dollar goes (or doesn't go).  

5.) Accent: For me, it's a win-win situation.  I am a big sucker for accents.  I have always loved Southern accents, and I definitely love British accents.  So whether it's in Oxford or back in Athens, I am in love with the voices around me.  

What are the big differences you have noticed here? As anything been life-changing in the way you notice life?  I know I am definitely coming back to the States a more worldly girl.  

1 comment:

Glenn said...

I love seeing people move themselves around their own city on their normal routine as they do everyday. In the states everyone is confined to their cars as they move about but in Europe people are more on display. It helps in creating a sense of community I think.