Thursday, July 3, 2008

Euro Cup Interrupted

While traveling around Europe before arriving at Oxford, and once I arrived in Great Britain the Euro Cup 2008 was the focus of the sports media. Everyone in Europe scatters to the local pub television to see the match and support their country with painted faces and flags. The interesting thing I found about watching the football games in Europe was that the rights of the game were sold only to ONE company in the country! At Oxford we had no problem watching the entirety of the game but previously I did not have the same results. I had an experience in France where the game was interrupted by a news program or another show right in the middle and everyone acted like this was normal. I found this interesting that the media or owner of the network was able to just cut out parts of the game and maybe come back to the game or in some cases the people watching were just left to find out how the game ended by other means of communication. Also, there was no notification that the coverage was ending. All the sudden in the middle of a break away towards the goal the news would start! I think if this happened in America people would not just sit there and wait patiently and say "oh well that happens sometimes" like the Europeans did. American Sport fans would cause a huge scene and somebody would be sued or ridiculed for interrupting the game. Europeans and Brits love their football like we love our college football and I don't see the UGA game broadcast being shown first of all on only one channel and being interrupted without notice for other programming leaving no alternate means for watching the game.


Nathan Lock said...

I must agree with Michele. That seems like a dirty trick. Just imagine if that happened during a Georgia game! I personally would want heads to roll!

May said...

They won't do it to TV shows, but they will for sporting events?

That would be unthinkable in Georgia or the states for that matter to interrupt a game and then simply come back to it later.