Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fashion 411

In class, we are learning about Diffusion and the Adaption Process. I have never really thought of ideas, technology or other new things in this way before. However, when I first read about it, my mind went immediately to fashion. There are 5 different Adapter categories: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. At first I thought about trends in bridesmaid's dresses for weddings. About 5 years ago, the trend was brown. In the fashion magazines, brown dresses were considered chic and classy. A few years later, almost every wedding I went to involved the color brown. It has eventually fissled down to only one wedding this year, where the bride covered her entire wedding in pink and brown.
Going to school in Athens, I often like to look at the fashion trends around campus. Just sitting on North Campus or in the SLC, you can see the range of Adapters in the fashion world. There are those people who have seemingly unique outfits, only to find that a month later half the campus has caught on. You also see those who have just caught on to a trend started a few months ago. There are also the laggards, who most likely do not care to keep up with the latest trends.
I am reminded of the movie The Devil Wears Prada, where Meryl Streep's character, the cruel and demanding fashion magazine editor, explains to Anne Hathaway's character how her decisions in the fashion world of what to place in her magazine has a huge effect on everyone, even if you don't realize it. Being a magazine major, this makes me think about the influence all magazines have on their specialized field.

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