Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So Euro

That's so Euro.  -This is the phrase a few of us have adopted when are shocked, fascinated, disgusted or annoyed by the bold fashion statements that we see when strolling the streets of Oxford or in a pub.  Europe really is ahead of the US when it comes to fashion.  As I can't help but notice these pioneers of the fashion industry proudly display their unique styles, I think to myself, will America ever adopt this style?  When compared to Europe the US (or maybe just Georgia) is very conservative and, some Europeans may argue, uncreative with our fashion.  This goes for males as well as females.  Despite our cardigan sweaters and combed hair and (guys) loose-fitting pants, Europeans seem to accept us, which I do appreciate.  
On another note, I've been to Sainsbury three times and every time I enter there a very pungent aroma of body odor greets me.  Is it the store, the employees, or the customers?  I have yet to solve this mystery...


Kaitlyn Darr said...

I am often shocked as well with the disregard for decent dress here in Oxford. Although these Europeans may be ahead of us in fashion, the messy hair look will never serve a purpose in any work field I can think of.

Brittany said...

This is very true. On first arrival, I wanted to fit in with the locals. I could not tell who was British and who was tourist. Walking down the street I tried to listen to their accents to differenciate between the two. Now, being here over a week, I can easy tell who is tourist and who is British just by their style, much like Rachael's picture. And I too have used the phrase "so euro".

Chelsea said...

They have a unique style over here in Europe. They love their skinny jeans. However, they wear the pants that seem to be rather fitted. Over in Greece, they wear the most tight and low fit clothing imaginable. I would choose fashion in Oxford any day.