Friday, July 4, 2008

Of course it would happen to me!

OK so most of you may already know this, but for those of you who do not get ready for a really lame story.

We have not even been here for a week and I have already injured my left foot. Yesterday while walking around and shopping my foot progressively began to get sore and by the end of the day, I could not even stand on it. It hurt SO bad and became very swollen. I then went to boots to buy what I thought was an ace bandage. Turns out it was not what I thought.

So here I am crippled in England with no idea what to do. I start with Dr. Trivedi. He advises me to go to the Porter and ask them for some first aid. They thankfully had a wrap but when I asked if they had any ice they did not have any. No surprise there :) So they make about a million phone calls all over college trying to find ice for the American who can't walk. I leave finally with an ace bandage yet still feeling a little defeated. When I finally make it to dinner around 6:15 I sit down to find Dr. Trivedi with a bag of ice. A bag of ice just for me. These people are so good to me.

So while everyone went to the social at the UGA Center, I stayed in bed with a book, elevated my foot with the ice, and fell asleep after the first three pages. Best nap of my life by the way. When Katherine came to wake me several hours later I was well rested and my foot felt so much better. It still hurts a little but the swelling has gone down a lot and I am walking on my toes. So in conclusion, I would just like to say thank you to Dr. Trivedi, the Porter, and everyone else who lended a hand in helping their poor pitiful friend. Wow!

1 comment:

Lauren Montero said...

Mimi, I can relate to you completely!

I woke up our first day here with an eye so swollen and puffy that my eyebrow was noticeably higher than the other. What a welcome right? It was of course the last thing I wanted to deal with so I ignored it. Unfortunately I woke up the next day and it was still swollen plus it was extremely painful. I won't go into details about what it looked like, let's just say I tried to wear sunglasses whenever possible. I was so stressed out because I didn't know what was wrong or where to get help, but everything worked out because Dr. Trivedi came to my rescue and gave me the doctor's number. He also sent over Robin, a grad student, to check on me. Thanks to him and some great eye medication I am back to seeing out of both eyes!