Thursday, July 10, 2008

O' the Places I'll Go

I can't believe I have been at Oxford for almost two weeks.  It seems just like yesterday I was sitting at the airport bored out of my mind for 14 HOURS.  I haven't really had the chance yet to explore Oxford, but I'm saving the last two weeks of my stay for that.  Before I came here I knew the classes were gonna be labor intensive, but my word.  I have never had to write so many college papers before.  However, I still have my fun on the weekends.  You have to get your work done during the week in order to enjoy the time you have here.  Personally, I love to travel.  I am taking full advantage of the close neighboring countries.  I have been to Athens, Greece.  I am leaving in the morning for Amsterdam and next week I am going to Dublin.  I wish I had more time to travel all over England, but I'm gonna try and see as much as possible with the time I have left.  Where is everyone else traveling to?  Any bad or good experiences?
On a different note, if you order a drink from Starbucks, make sure you tell them it's to go.  They will give you a real coffee cup.  
Also, does anyone else feel that buying the Britrail was maybe a mistake?  I'm not sure if I'm gonna get to use up all the days.


Hannah Keating said...

I am so jealous you went to Greece! I have always wanted to go there. I have been to Dublin, though, and you will absolutely love it! I have never been to another city like it. Everyone there is so friendly and helpful. Dublin also feels incredibly safe. My cousin and I felt completely comfortable walking around late at night by ourselves. I hope you have as wonderful a time there as I did! Let me know if you want any more information!

Sara Lett said...

I wish I could go to Greece! That sounds like such an amazing time. This is my first time over to Europe, but I felt completely safe walking around London and Paris by myself. I love that it feels safer around here, and I don't have worry as much about my safety. As for Britrail, I definitely think it was a mistake because I now know I am not doing as much traveling as I thought in the UK! I am going to see if they can give me a refund, because I am pretty sure you can do that. I wish I would have known before we cam over here!

Mimi said...

Yea I have heard that many people purchased the Britrail pass and I was going to but now I'm glad that I did not. I realized that I would not be able to use that many trips and felt that it would be a waste of money. Besides, I would not be able to use it for the places that I really want to go like Paris and Greece. I'm so jealous you went by the way. I hope that you had an awsome time.

Courtney said...

I'm agreeing with Hannah, Sara, and Mimi. I am so jealous that you were able to go to Greece! But I'm also very happy for you!
I'm planning on going to Scotland and Ireland in the next two weeks. I also want to travel around England a little more. I'd love to go to Paris but Nathan and I are having a hard time finding enough people to get a group together. Everyone seems to have already been. So if anyone is up for a trip to Paris let us know!