Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm the loser who couldn't go to overnight camp.

Since birth, I have never been away from my parents for more than 3 weeks. Why let Oxford stop the trend? When my dad surprised me a few weeks before my trip to Oxford with the news that he and my mom would be coming to visit me, I literally screamed and jumped for joy. I know it has not yet been two weeks, but I miss them terribly and can not wait for them to get here! They will be arriving next Friday and staying for six days. I am currently trying to get a jump start on all of my work so that I can spend as much time with them as possible.

I can not wait to show them around Oxford and to introduce them to all of the wonderful people I have met here! If any of you are wondering how I turned out so bizarre, I recommend that you try to meet my parents sometime during their visit; it might answer a few questions for you.

Are any of you expecting a visit from your parents? Do any of you have any ideas of fun things I can do with my mom and dad while they are here? They have been to London a few times so I am looking for something original for us to do. Please let me know if you have any ideas!


Sara Lett said...

Hannah, I am thrilled your parents are coming here! I cannot wait to meet them! Maybe you could give your own version of Debbie's tour? Or maybe go celebrity-spotting? Definitely take them to the covered market, and get them to take you shopping (parents' money is always better than your own). And if they are into the late night scene, definitely take them to the local pub. Maybe even a little Purple Turtle action? Fraternizing with the locals always makes for a better experience.

Mimi said...

I think that si so awsome that your parents are coming. You are very lucky. if they are staying until Thursday, I would reccomend taking them to the outside market in the little area right next to the bus station. They have some of the coolest finds and they have really pretty jewelry. But it is only on Thursdays and they close at 4. But if they are not, and I know this sounds very touristy, but I have heard from some of the locals that taking the Oxford bus tour is really good. I hope this helps and I hope they enjoy their stay.