Monday, July 7, 2008

The High Table Extravaganza

Traditionally, Mondays are the worst day of the week; they symbolize the re-start of the weekly grind and a whole five days until the weekend. In Oxford, however, Mondays sing a different tune.

As summer Oxford students, Mondays mean dressing in our Sunday best,coming together to enjoy cocktails and dinner, and revelling in the company of Oxford tutors and fellow dawgs at High Table dinners. However, as usual, there is a special twist; certain accomplished students are invited each week to dine at the head table with our Georgia professors, Oxford tutors and other special guests. The majority of the students do not know who has been picked until seeing all invited seated at the head table. Needless to say, the invitation is widely understood as an honor.

Now that seating arrangements are set, let me set the mood. The decor of the hall is divine with beautiful warm-wood paneling, paintings of prominent men of yore gracing the walls, and the Trinity coat of arms appearing on everything from placements to gravy bowls. One should imagine Harry Potter's dining hall, though without the flying candelabras or wizarding costumes.

For me, the menu proves to be the highlight of the evening. I openly acknowledge my status as a 'foodie' and Oxford has not let me down. Tonight's meal consisted of three courses, each being as delightful as the previous one. First, we dined on warm rolls and Caesar salad sprinkled with pepperoni, pine nuts and a creamy dressing. The second course consisted of steak paired with a thick dipping sauce and 'chips.' Finally, a Pavlova with fresh fruit and custard rounded out the meal.

For me, enjoying High Table dinners will not be the problem, just the expanding waistline.


Nathan Lock said...

It is the extravagent things such as high-table dinner that make one realize that this trip is actually a bargain in spite of the great cost.

Allison Brill said...

Getting back to the food, everything was wonderful....with the exception of the pavlova. It reminded me of stale Easter candy mixed with lucky charms. And the gopey stuff in the center? I am not a fan. Before the pavlova incident, I was beginning to think Enlgish food was perfect!

Brittany said...

I agree with the dessert, however I just thought I did not have refined enough taste. High Table is definatly the best food I have had in a long time and makes me not look forward to go back to Athens where cereal is the main dish.

Chelsea said...

Most students look forward to Fridays because of the weekend and dread Mondays. While at Oxford I look forward to Mondays the best. I love high table. Everyone gets dressed up and the food is so good. I must say everyone looks "smashing" for high table. Some of yall I don't recognize.

Myredith Gonzales said...

I agree, I always look forward to high table. To dressing-up, to champagne on the lawns/danson room, and of course, the food! So far the food has been really good with the exceptions of both desserts- pop rocks with custard and passion fruit with pavlova, not really my thing...