Saturday, July 5, 2008

First-Class Street Entertainment

As some of you already know, I ventured to London Thursday night to meet up with my UGA roommate who is traveling for the summer. We had a full day planned for yesterday, which included stops such as Buckingham Palace, the National Gallery, Leicester Square, Soho, Chinatown and Big Ben.

Towards the end of the day we decided to stop at the Covent Garden Market. We had heard that this famous market had great shopping and also an underground stop. As we came up to the market entrance, we started seeing very odd forms of entertainment, including those men spray painted to look like statues and others playing the didjeridu. None were as strange as the man pictured here. If you can't tell, this "dog" is in fact a man with his head sticking out of a dog pen. At first, I wasn't sure what was going on until he started shaking the table and barking weird things at people as they walked by. One woman actually put money in his doggy bowl and he tried to bite her!

My friend and I thought we had seen it all until we came up to a huge crowd of people. Curiosity overwhelmed us, so we walked up to see what all the fuss was about. These two Jamaican men were doing a circus-like performance in the middle of the market. This video is what impressed me most.
Besides the sheer entertainment value of these acts, what value does this type of performing give to Covent Garden? I wonder, do these people have to get a permit to be here? I know that performers in the New York City subway stations have to be approved. Does the dog man? It doens't look like it.

1 comment:

AbbyBuss said...

A man was playing the bagpipes today outside of Borders. After going into the grocery story next to Borders, the man was being written a ticket by the police. The weird part was... the police and the bagpiper were laughing while he was getting a ticket.