Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Because You Can't Substitute YouTube For A Paper...

While doing research for the paper this evening, I cam across a video for a new tech gadget. Though it's a phone and probably an MP3 player and all those things, it's mainly constructed to be flexible so you can read the news on this digital screen. The thing seems to only be the size of a cell phone and much easier to read from than a computer screen (you know you get headaches...)

It's called the Sony Full Color Flexible Paper Screen. And for some reason I couldn't upload the video to the site so hopefully the link works.

So, to reflect on class topics, do you think print media (the actual printing of ink on paper) is a thing of the past and "e-papers" are the way of the future? Do you think the advantages of this innovation outweigh the (presumably) high costs?


Megan Thornton said...

I might be wrong, actually... I beleive it's called the "Readius" and I'm not sure who makes it. Just in case you wanted to find out more about it :)

May said...

I definitely think that online print will be a big part of our future, but it makes me sad to think that hard copies of print media such as newspapers and magazines will be completely gone.

Though I do read some things online, I'm one of those types of people who still like to have something tangible in my hands.

Gaby said...

I think that there will always be a need for printed media, however small. (What am I to use for wrapping paper if not the comics section?) I do think that online is the way to go though, especially because I'm sure some people will make the point that it wastes a lot less paper.

Brian Miller said...

That's so sweet.

Oh, that doesn't count as a comment? Well, I don't think printed newspapers are a thing of the past yet, though they may be in the near future (I think I just blew my own mind). The way technology is progressing, I can see a lot of the things we grew up with thrown into oblivion in a few more decades. That is, unless we laggards hang on TIGHT.

Martin M said...

I think print media will eventually became a thing of the past, just not anytime soon. People just want something convenient, easy-to-read, and cheap that they can carry around with them. Whenever that becomes established in a non-print form, it will become the established "new media."