Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Are You Packed?

Some of you have already been traveling for awhile. The rest of us are making our last minute preparations. In addition to completing class plans (i.e., the syllabus, readings, excursions) there are personal preparations to make.

Among my problems to solve has been to arrange for dog care. Parker, our West Highland White Terrier, would be delighted to join us in England. Alas, it's not to be. He'll be very well cared for by a good friend.

What are your last minute stories? I'm really excited about starting to study media effects with you next week. See you soon.


Hannah Keating said...

I have a real problem with over-packing. Haha. I am really trying to avoid packing a ridiculous amount of stuff, but I know that just isn't going to happen. I guess I should start doing some last minute weight lifting to prepare myself for lugging my luggage around! Is anyone else getting really nervous about their tutorial?? I have a horrible feeling that I'm going to be known as a "stupid American"! haha!

Brian Miller said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one. My excitement about the trip is negated almost completely by my apprehension about the tutorial.

Courtney said...

I actually just arrived at Oxford. My mom, sister, and I traveled in Italy and just finished our tour there. This is our first time in England and we love it! I haven't gotten to see much of Oxford yet but it seems great so far!
And Hannah, I'm an over-packer, too. Haha- my mom and sister will leave Sunday and I've got to get half of my clothes out of their suitcases before they leave!
The last minute weight lifting may help, too. We are on the 3rd floor of our hotel and there are no elevators- carrying 50 lbs of luggage up tiny steps was not easy!

Kaitlyn Darr said...

Brian and Hannah,
Thank you SO much for voicing your concerns about the tutorial. I'm in an English class and I feel like having chosen this class I am just 'asking for it,' if you get what I mean. The reading is not the hard part, it's stomaching the factor that I'm going to only be with a couple other people and an Oxford tutor discussing literature.

Megan Thornton said...

It's good to hear everyone's as worried about the tutorial as I am... the syllabus didn't have any pre-Oxford reading for my history class, which only freaks me out that much more!

Brian Miller said...

I haven't even been able to get a copy of my book yet to do my assigned, so, yes, I'm nervous. ASSUMING my book comes tomorrow or Saturday, I'll be reading most of the flight, and probably most of Sunday. If not, I don't know what'll happen.

Brian Miller said...

By the way, does anyone know when classes start? God I feel unprepared.

Courtney said...

I think classes start on Tuesday- I'm getting nervous as well. I've been looking over my reading assignments again but it seems like I'm reading it all for the first time again...

Lauren Montero said...

Wow, I'm so glad everyone seems as nervous as I am. Maybe we can all be "stupid Americans" together so it won't be that bad. haha!

Hollander said...

Make sure you pack a bag in your bags. You'll come home with more than you arrived with, so you'll need room for that stuff.

On the tutorials, be afraid, be very afraid. These are top-notch faculty, but they're funny too. They'll work you to death but once you survive, you'll never be intimidated by any amount of work you see at UGA or real life.

Oh, I'm told by my students from '06 that saying "yes maam or no sir" is seen as being a bit of a smart ass. They're not used to that in UK, so a simple yes or no will suffice.

You'll have a hell of a good time. Enjoy High Table. It's the best. Just make sure you visit the bathroom before it starts ... no fair getting up during the hours and hours of eating and such.

Elle Roushanzamir said...

Parker, I'm thinking of you & rather envious. Your friend, Mercury Murphy R. [my Mama is a former Grady at Oxford participant, i.e. years 2004,2005.]